Saturday, September 17, 2016

Top 10 checklist of items to follow in regards to a SharePoint deployment/project:

The following is a quick top 10 checklist of items to follow in regards to a SharePoint deployment/project:

1. Have a clear scope of what the project will entail and how much it will cost

2. Plan and design what features and functionality are being sought. If new server are needed then plan for storage and space and proper architecture for future growth

3. Create a project plan of each line item needed along with dates and resources. If the Agile process is being used map out the sprints as needed

4. Build and develop the needed solution/project

5. Test the solution not only by the development team but by the users as well

6. Make tweaks after getting user feedback

7. Train as many users as possible

8. Deploy the project after sponsor signoff

9. Maintain the system

10. Always be on the lookout for new versions and patches of what was built/deployed


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