Sunday, March 22, 2020

SharePoint - Crawl Related Words

The following are some SharePoint Dictonary Words of the Day Related to Crawl:


The process of traversing a URL to acquire items for a search catalog.

Crawl log

Provides information about the results of crawling a URL. The information includes if the crawl was successful, the content source that the display URL belongs, and the level, message, time, and identifier of any errors that happen.

Crawl queue

A structure that stores the list of items to crawl next.

Crawl rule

Preferences that apply to a specific URL or range of URLs. A crawl rule can be utilized to include or exclude items in a crawl. Additionally, the rule can specify the content access account to use when crawling a URL or range of URLs.

Crawl status

The state of the crawl operation (example In-Progress, Suspended, etc.).

Crawl type

Specifies whether to evaluate all of the users and member groups in the directory service that is crawled, or utilize those users and member groups that were modified after the last crawl.

Crawl URL history

A structure that stores a list of URLs and their properties, such as when a URL was last crawled.

Crawled property

Metadata that can be discovered during a crawl and then applied  to one or more items.

Crawled property category

Crawled properties for a specific type of item set.

Crawled property set identifier

A unique identifier that utilizes one or more crawled properties with a crawled property category.


Process that browses and indexes content from a content source.

SharePoint - Conversion Related Words

The following are SharePoint Dictionary Words of the Day, Related to Conversion:

Conversion item

A document that is converted as part of a conversion job.

Conversion job

The basic unit of work for the Word Automation Services.

Conversion process

An instance of Word Automation Services.

Conversion queue

A database that stores a list of conversions that are pending, in progress, or completed.

SharePoint - Context Related Words

The following are some SharePoint Dictionary Words of the Day that refer to Context:

Context site

A site that refers to the context of the current request.

Context type

A GUID that is utilized as a classification for an event receiver.

Contextual search scope

A system-defined restriction that can if needed be added to a query to restrict the query results to items that are from a specific site or list.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

SharePoint - Content Type Related Words

Below Are Several SharePoint Dictionary Words of the Day Related to Content Type:

Content type

A named and unique collection of settings and fields which store metadata for individual items in a SharePoint list. One or more content types can be associated with a list.

Content type group

A named category of content types that is utilized to organize content types that are of similar purpose.

Content type identifier

A unique identifier which is assigned to a content type.

Content type order

The sequence of how the content types are displayed.

Content type resource folder

A folder which stores the resource files that are related with a content type.

Content type schema

An XML definition that defines the contents of a content type.

Content type specific view

A view which is related with a specific content type that is linked with a folder.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

SharePoint - Content Placeholder

Below is a SharePoint Dictionary Word of the Day:

Content placeholder

A region within a page layout which is populated dynamically that has a value of the publishing page field that utilizes a bound object. Utilized most commonly on an ASP.NET master page to define a region on a page for text, mark-up and server-based controls.

SharePoint - Content Editor Web Part

Below is a SharePoint Dictionary Word of the Day:

Content editor web part

The basic common area in SharePoint where textual content can be entered and edited.

SharePoint - Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML)

Below is a SharePoint Dictionary Word of the Day:

Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML)

An XML-based language that is utilized to describe various elements, such as queries and views, in sites that are based on the Microsoft SharePoint technology base.