Wednesday, February 26, 2020

SharePoint - Chrome Control

Below is a SharePoint Dictionary Word of the Day:

Chrome control

An HTML and JavaScript control which renders the top chrome that is available to use in apps for SharePoint.

SharePoint - Child SIte

Below is a SharePoint Dictionary Word of the Day:

Child site

A site located within a site collection that is a top-level site and then can have one or more child sites, known as subsites.  

SharePoint - Central Administration Site

Below is a SharePoint Dictionary Word of the Day:

Central administration site

A particular SharePoint site where an administrator can oversee all sites and servers in a farm that is utilizing Microsoft SharePoint based technologies.

Friday, February 21, 2020

SharePoint - Capacity Planning

Below is a SharePoint Dictionary Word of the Day:

Capacity planning

Process of classifying and preparing for an application, hardware, and network options to anticipate site traffic, growth and failover in order to attain site performance goals.

SharePoint - Calculated column

Below is a SharePoint Dictionary Word of the Day:

Calculated column

A column in a table which utilizes a formula that is copied automatically to each record in the column or in another column if applicable.

SharePoint - Business Object

Below is a SharePoint Dictionary Word of the Day:

Business object

An object which performs a set of operations, usually defined such as data validation or business rule logic, related to a business process or workflow.

SharePoint - Business Data Catalog (BDC)

Below is a SharePoint Word of the Day:

Business Data Catalog (BDC)

A service which collects information in regard to business application data that occurs outside the server farm. Such a service can be used to show business data in lists, web parts, search, user profiles, and custom applications.