Tuesday, November 8, 2022

SharePoint – What Can It Achieve?

The following are four key items that can be achieved in SharePoint:

  1. Make data accessible across devices and departments
  2. Reduce risk, complications and costs
  3. Increasing productivity amongst team members
  4. Ensures efficient communications between departments is obtained

SharePoint – 3 Simple Truths

The following are three simple truths of SharePoint:

  1. The environment is digital friendly, be it creating rich content or for communication aspects.
  2. The environment has many mobile apps for its various applications be it SharePoint, MS Teams, OneDrive, etc.
  3. The application can integrate with many other applications be it Power Automate, Power BI, Power Apps, etc.


Monday, November 7, 2022

SharePoint – Computer Science Aspects to Know

The following are some general computer science aspects to know when working with SharePoint administration and development:

Algorithm Complexity, Design, & Analysis – be it best case, worst case and average case scenarios in problem solving.

Big-O notationsrun time complexity as memory requirements grow based on the input size growing.

Hashtableshow they are a data structure, much like an array, except that each value is stored using a key.

Recursions – a function being defined by its own definitions.

Sorting althorithms – way of rearranging an array or list in a more usable fashion. Common sorts are: bubble, heap merge and quick.

Tree sorts – way of traversing elements to place them in order. Common tree sorts are: AVL (Adelson-Velsky and Landis), binary, red/black and splay tree.

SharePoint – Solution Process

When working with SharePoint, the following are some key aspects as far as the solution process:

  • Talk through your thought process 
  • Understand the problem or need for more information
  • Find the most optimal solution that aligns with the given timeline

Sunday, November 6, 2022

SharePoint – Good Concepts to Know

The following are four good technical concepts to know to be successful with SharePoint:   

General Coding Aptitude: have knowledge of APIs, object oriented design and know how to test code.

Computer Science Ideologies: have knowledge of data structures and algorithms and how they can be used in solutions.

Analytical Skills: know how to do analysis of code (spot a bug and know what is the most optimal solution) and knowing to ask the correct clarifying questions.

Problem Solving: know how to think out loud in regard to steps to take in order to solve a problem.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

SharePoint - Table

The following are SharePoint dictionary words of the day related to table:


A way to display data in a text or content editor webpart in rows and columns.


Table header

Top row of a table, which displays the column names.


Table style

Set of formatting options, that includes font, border style, and row banding, which are applied to a table.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

SharePoint - Sync

The following is a SharePoint dictionary word of the day:


Process where the contents of a OneDrive or SharePoint document library is copied to a computer and updated back and forth between the local drive and cloud.