The following is a SharePoint dictionary word of the day:
Timer job
SharePoint services object which can perform various tasks on
a scheduled or one-time event basis within the environment it is run on.
The following is a SharePoint dictionary word of the day:
Timer job
SharePoint services object which can perform various tasks on
a scheduled or one-time event basis within the environment it is run on.
The following are four key items related to employee experience and SharePoint:
Used to forge connections
Used to provide insights via
Used for growth and development
Used to empower employees
Term set
Collection of related terms. Example, the term set named
"step" could include the terms "S1" "S2" "S3"
and "Prod".
Term store
Service which stores managed metadata, including term sets, terms, and keywords.
The following are four key items that can be achieved in SharePoint:
The following are three simple truths of SharePoint:
The following are some general computer science aspects to know when working with SharePoint administration and development:
Complexity, Design, & Analysis – be it best case, worst case and average case scenarios in
problem solving.
notations – run time complexity as memory requirements grow based on the input size growing.
Hashtables – how
they are a data structure, much
like an array, except that each value is stored using a key.
Recursions – a function being defined by its
own definitions.
Sorting althorithms – way of rearranging an array or list in a
more usable fashion. Common sorts are: bubble, heap merge and quick.
Tree sorts – way of traversing elements to place them in
order. Common tree sorts are: AVL (Adelson-Velsky and Landis), binary, red/black
and splay tree.
When working with SharePoint, the following are some key aspects as far as the solution process: