The following is a SharePoint dictionary word of the day:
Type of MethodInstance that can be called to return a
different view for a given EntityInstance of a particular entity.
The following is a SharePoint dictionary word of the day:
Type of MethodInstance that can be called to return a
different view for a given EntityInstance of a particular entity.
The following is a SharePoint dictionary word of the day:
Vertical alignment
Formatting setting which specifies how content is positioned
within the vertical space of a cell, object, or page. Content can be aligned
along the top or bottom edge, or distributed evenly across the vertical space.
User store
Logical grouping of users, groups, and content permissions
for security accessed by the search authorization.
The following is a SharePoint dictionary word of the day:
User search security
Specifies group and user permissions for a specific search
user. This filters out inappropriate search results by only returning back what
that user has permissions to read.
The following is a SharePoint dictionary word of the day:
Uniform resource
locator (URL)
Alphanumeric address which is utilized to locate a website (example
Universal data
connection (UDC)
XML file format which contains data connection based information.
The following is a SharePoint dictionary word of the day:
Un-customized webpage
Webpage which refers to files on the file system of a
SharePoint system.