Sunday, October 2, 2022

SharePoint - Single Sign-On

The following are SharePoint dictionary words of the day related to single sign-on (SSO):

Single sign-on (SSO)

Process which enables users whom, have a domain account to log on to a network and access any resource in the domain without entering the credentials multiple times.

Single sign-on (SSO) administrator

Security principal which is authorized to change a single sign-on (SSO) configuration.


Single sign-on (SSO) identifier

String which represents the definition of user credentials that allow a user to access a resource.


Single sign-on (SSO) system

Software-based implementation which enables users to gain access to multiple resources without entering the credentials multiple times.


Single sign-on (SSO) ticket

Token which contains the encrypted identity of a single sign-on (SSO) user via a security identifier string.

SharePoint - Sibling Navigation Node

The following is a SharePoint dictionary word of the day:

Sibling navigation node

Navigation node which shares a common parent navigation node with another specific navigation node.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

SharePoint – Definition of Done

In a SharePoint environment, it’s important to have an agreed plan of the definition of done:

1)      Stories satisfy the acceptance criteria

2)      Acceptance tests passed, including those that were automated (if applicable)

3)      Unit and component tests – pass

4)      Cumulative unit tests – pass

5)      Applicable items are under source control

6)      Stories are accepted by the product owner

SharePoint – Management Planning for Review

The following are some high-level aspects to account for after a manager review of SharePoint projects:

1)      What was learned?

2)      What needs to be adjusted as far as vision, scope and team assignments?

3)      Where are the bottlenecks?

4)      What features must be re-scoped?

5)      What decisions need to be made to address issues?

SharePoint – Planning for Adjustments

As part of the SharePoint ecosystem – the following are high-level aspects to account for change:

  1. Business priorities
  2. Adjustments to vision
  3. Changes to scope
  4. Changes in resources

SharePoint – Agile Release Train

The following are aspects as part of the demonstration of work done for the agile release train:

1)      Have visibility into progress and impediments

2)      Have releases facilitated by proper resource

3)      Have proper participants (scrum masters, subject matter experts, etc.)

4)      Have weekly meeting of 60 minutes to demo items

5)      Have meetings and items demoed time-based

SharePoint Innovation & Planning

The following are key high-level items to address for innovation and planning:

1)      Innovation – where and what are the opportunities for innovation and improvements.

2)      Planning – where and what are the cadence for planning-based items

3)      Estimation – where and what are the estimates for cadence-based delivery