Sunday, December 24, 2023

Top 4 Custom Views in SharePoint Online

The following are the top four custom views in SharePoint Online:

  1. Grouped View: This view allows one to group items in the way preferred. One can choose up to 2 columns and group information by those properties. If used in a document library, the Group By feature is a good way to mimic a folder experience.
  2. Default View: This view allows one to decide what view should be shown when one opens a library or list.
  3. Landing Page: This view allows one to see all the views when they click on the library link.
  4. Totals: This view allows one to calculate a column.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Top 5 Ways to Search in SharePoint

The following are the top 5 ways to search in SharePoint:

  1. Site Search Box: This is the search box one can find in the top of a SharePoint site. It is utilized to search the current site and all subsites underneath it.
  2. Document Library Search Box: This search box allows one to search for the content just in the particular list or library. This provides some targeted search results, since the scope of the search is only limited to that of one list or library.
  3. SharePoint Home: This is a modern or intelligent search which relies on Office Graph (machine learning). It tracks  activities, recently accessed files, connections, and interactions with colleagues and presents one with corresponding results.
  4. Office 365 Home: This is a way to perform global searches.
  5. 10 search commands: SharePoint has some specific search commands which can be utilized to complement the search keyword. Example: content: , body: , etc where after each command one types in what they are looking for.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Top 3 Web parts for SharePoint Images

The following are the top three web parts that can be utilized in SharePoint:

  1. Image web part: Allows one to insert an image on the page, either from the site, computer, or from the web. One can crop, resize, and replace an existing image. One can also add a caption, a link to go to when the user clicks on the image, and enable Text over image (which overlays additional text on the image).
  2. Image Gallery web part: A way to display a collection of images rather than a single image. One can add a title for the collection at the top of the web part. Additionally, one can select images with the file picker or drag them onto the web part.
  3. Bing Maps web part: Used to display a map on a page. One can enter an address or location (or a well-known name of a place) and a map of that place will appear.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

3 Tips for Using SharePoint Online for Scrum

The following are three tips for using SharePoint Online for Scrum:

  1. Create a site collection to hold one Scrum site per project. In the site include all the documents, schedules team member and list based information.
  2. Use task prioritization techniques such as MoSCoW, Kano model, etc. to prioritize tasks in the product backlog. Posted Excel documents or simple information from lists can be used for backlog tasks and show proper status and priority.
  3. Leverage SharePoint’s metrics tracking and automated testing features. Use the document libraries and lists to add all of the proper stories for the project to the site. Information needed for a story such as points, estimated time, developer, tester, story tasks, test cases, etc. For metrics, use web parts such as the chart webpart for burn-down charts, velocity, points per iteration, etc.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

3 Examples of Calculated Columns in SharePoint

The following are three examples of calculated columns in SharePoint:

  1. Conditional formulas: These formulas can be utilized to evaluate a condition and return a value based on the result. For example, one can use the IF function to check if a value in one column is greater than another column and return a specific value if the condition is true. One can also use the AND and OR functions to evaluate multiple conditions.
  2. Date and time formulas: These formulas can be utilized to calculate the difference between two dates or times, extract specific parts of a date or time, or perform other operations. For example, one can use the DATEDIF function to calculate the number of days between two dates.
  3. Mathematical formulas: These formulas can be utilized to perform mathematical operations on values in other columns. For example, one can use the SUM function to add up the values in two or more columns, or use the ROUND function to round a number to a specific number of decimal places.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

3 Commonly Utilized SharePoint Formulas

The following are three commonly used SharePoint formulas:

  1. IF formula: This formula is utilized to check whether a condition is met or not. It returns one value if the condition is true and another value if the condition is false. Example: =IF([Column1]>[Column2], "Yes", "No")
  2. SUM formula: This formula is utilized to add up the values in a column. Example: =SUM([Column1], [Column2])
  3. DATEDIF formula: This formula is utilized to calculate the difference between two dates in days, months, or years. Example: =DATEDIF([Column1], [Column2], "d")

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Top 3 Ways to Access SharePoint

The following are the top 3 ways to access SharePoint:

  1. SharePoint Site: One can access documents via the web interface by going directly to a SharePoint site.
  2. Microsoft Teams: One can access via a collaboration method via Microsoft Teams. One can access the document library via the Files Tab in a MS Team channel.
  3. Windows Explorer (via OneDrive sync): One can access documents just by synchronizing them to/from a computer via OneDrive sync. This will allow one to access your documents in a very familiar interface (via Windows Explorer).