Showing posts with label CoPilot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CoPilot. Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2023

3 Tips for Getting the Most out of SharePoint Copilot

The following are three tips for getting the most out of SharePoint copilot:

  • Use Copilot to automate repetitive tasks. Copilot can be utilized to create and update SharePoint content quickly and easily. This can save time and effort, especially if one has a lot of repetitive tasks to complete.
  • Use Copilot to collaborate with others. Copilot can be utilized to share ideas and collaborate on the creation of SharePoint content. This can be especially helpful when one is working on large or complex projects.
  • Use Copilot to learn more about SharePoint. Copilot can be utilized to learn more about SharePoint features and functionality. For example, one can ask Copilot to explain how to create a specific type of SharePoint site or page.

Monday, August 14, 2023

4 Ways How to Use CoPilot in SharePoint Online

The following are four ways to use copilot with SharePoint Online:

Use CoPilot to help organize content. CoPilot can help one create hierarchies and use natural language to organize content in a way that makes sense for users.

Encourage users to enter metadata for their sites and content. This will help CoPilot understand content better and generate more accurate suggestions.

Manage multilingual content. If one has multilingual content in a SharePoint site, CoPilot can help translate it into different languages.

Specify authoritative pages. CoPilot can utilize authoritative pages to help generate more accurate suggestions. An authoritative page is a page that is considered to be a definitive source of information on a particular topic.

5 Best Practices for Using SharePoint Online & CoPilot

The following are five best practices for using SharePoint Online & copilot:

Start with a clear goal in mind. Know your goal for the SharePoint site or page. Once known one can better communicate it to CoPilot.

Use natural language. The more natural the language is, the better CoPilot will be able to understand and generate accurate suggestions.

Be specific with prompts. Instead of saying "create a page about my company," say "create a page about my company's mission statement."

Be patient. CoPilot is still being developed and it will make mistakes. 

Provide feedback. The more feedback one provides to CoPilot, the better it will be at understanding one's needs and generating accurate suggestions.