Saturday, February 12, 2022

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

SharePoint - Pivot

The following are SharePoint Dictionary words of the Day related to Pivot: 

PivotChart filter pane

User interface element which displays a list of active fields in a pivot view and is utilized to apply filters to those fields.


PivotChart report

Chart which uses a pivot for the source data and uses filtering and sorting functionality for the report.


PivotTable data field

Pivot field which is in the PivotTable area which is where the data values are displayed.


PivotTable field list

A user interface element that displays a list of all pivot fields. A pivot field list can be utilized to populate a pivot report.


PivotTable filter parameter

Value which a filter on a pivot report is set to, that indicates matching values which are included in the result set.


PivotTable item

Single member of a pivot field.


PivotTable member

Individual data item within a certain dimension that is displayed in a pivot report. For example, a sales person maybe in the geography dimension from the Northern United States Region.

SharePoint - Permission

The following are SharePoint Dictionary Words of the Day Related to Permission:


A rule which is associated with an object to regulate who can gain certain access to that said object and what aspects they can perform based on that access.


Permission level

Set of permissions which can be granted to certain SharePoint groups on a site, list, folder, item, or document.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

SharePoint Top 3 End User Sites


SharePoint Top 3 End User Sites


The following are 3 key links for end users on SharePoint:

Get started with SharePoint


SharePoint Video Training


SharePoint Help & Learning

MS Teams 5 Key Links for End Users

 MS Teams 5 Key Links for End Users


The following are 5 key links for end users on Microsoft Teams aspects:


Welcome to Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams Training


Microsoft Teams Video Training


Microsoft Teams Help & Learning


Get help in Microsoft Teams

Monday, November 22, 2021

SharePoint - Parameterized Query

The following is a SharePoint Dictionary Word of the Day:

Parameterized Query

Query which contains parameters such as those applied to Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and web-based queries. An example of such an item would be parameters added to a query for a product lookup.