Saturday, April 8, 2023

Before Starting A SharePoint Project

Clarify the following with the relevant stakeholders and team when starting a SharePoint project:

1) Purpose and justification.

2) Measurable objectives.

3) Deliverables.

4) Acceptance criteria.

5) Critical success factors.

6) Constraints and assumptions.

7) Proposed budget and schedule goals.

Real working thought:

It’s important to have a realistic scope in regard to what a SharePoint project will encompass and output. I've been a member of a few projects where the scope was not realistic and on one occasion needed new technology to be built until the proper outcome could be met. This therefore led to potential cost overruns in the budget.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

6 Key Aspects That Are Good About SharePoint

The following are six key aspects about SharePoint that are good:

1. End to end - good platform for distributing content and processes

2. Scale and agility - the platform is updated often and therefore provides a faster deployment strategy as part of it's ecosystem

3. Delivering trust - the system provides a core permission model

4. High availability - the system is made to scale and provides to the enterprise this valuable concept

5. Too integrated to fail - the system provides many out of the box features and functionality as well as allows for customizations

6. Hybrid and multi cloud - the system can be set-up half on-premise and half in the cloud therefore allowing for scalable as needed   

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

7 Steps in the Mind of the SharePoint Customer

The following are seven steps in the mind of the SharePoint customer:

1. One has to know the SharePoint customers

2. One has to inform the SharePoint customers

3. One has to help the SharePoint customers

4. One has to surprise the SharePoint customers

5. One has to delight the SharePoint customers

6. One has to thank the SharePoint customers

7. One has to reward the SharePoint customers

3 Ways on Getting the SharePoint Message Out

The following are three ways to get the SharePoint message out:

1. One has to decide whom to mail or e-mail the SharePoint information to?

2. One has to decide what the text of the SharePoint mailing/emailing will entail?

3. One has to decide the best time to send the SharePoint mail/email?

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

4 Ways for Dealing with SharePoint Conflict

The following are four ways to deal with SharePoint conflict:

1. Discover the exact issue

2. How can the issues be resolved?

3. What is the best solution?

4. How can the solution be put into place?

5 Tips to Keep SharePoint Customers

The following are five tips to keep SharePoint customers:

1. Carry on a positive SharePoint attitude.

2. Diverse yourself - through SharePoint creativeness and exceptional work.

3. Be aware of your SharePoint customer's business.

4. Follow-up and take SharePoint feedback then prioritize and take action on priorities. 

5. Give customers SharePoint justification and motive to refer you to others.