Monday, June 5, 2023

SharePoint Important Issues To Cover

The following are some important issues related to SharePoint to cover:

What is the process where SharePoint can help with change?

What are the problems that can be solved where SharePoint can help?

What can the organization do to implement the SharePoint solution?

What new aspects are necessary to obtain the full benefits of the SharePoint solution?

Thursday, June 1, 2023

The 5 Levels of a SharePoint Solution

The following are the 5 levels of a SharePoint solution and how it brings value to an organization:

Level 5 - The SharePoint solution adds exceptional value to all of the core users and customers

Level 4: The SharePoint solution is essential to the core users and customers business

Level 3: The SharePoint solution is somewhat useful to most of the core users and customers

Level 2: The SharePoint solution is useful to a limited number of targeted users and customers 

Level 1: The SharePoint solution is user or customer-specific

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Good SharePoint Online Skills to Have

In this day and age, the following are some important skills to have when working in SharePoint Online:

1) Application development (could be just scripting aspects such as JSON)

2) Data visualization (PowerBI)

3) Mobile apps (Power Apps)

4) Data engineering

5) Intelligent automation

6) Technology integrayion

7) Cloud solutions

8) Digital workspace

9) Digital customer experiences

10) Data analytics

11) Microsoft solutions

Thursday, May 25, 2023

8 Key SharePoint Strategy Communication Aspects

The following are eight key aspects to utilize for SharePoint strategy communication:

1) Management face-to-face strategy session briefings of SharePoint art of the possible

2) Roadshows of SharePoint technologies

3) Internal, informal SharePoint events

4) Personnel SharePoint training

5) Background SharePoint material distribution

6) SharePoint discussions

7) Intranet SharePoint strategy forum

8) Visual SharePoint material, handouts, posters, screen savers, TV projections etc

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Part of the SharePoint Ecosystem

To be successful with SharePoint, the following are high-level aspects to master:

1) Implementation of SharePoint changes and technologies

2) Enabling SharePoint automatic and manual processes

3) Controlling SharePoint policies and permissions

4) Inspecting the SharePoint environment and reviewing aspects as needed

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

SharePoint Strategy Outline

The following are five key aspects for a SharePoint strategy outline:

1. Arenas – Know where SharePoint will be active.

2. Vehicles – Know how with SharePoint you will get there.

3. Differentiators – Know how in SharePoint you will win in the enterprise industry.

4. Staging & pacing – Know at what speed and sequence of moves SharePoint will be utilized.

5. Economic Logic – Know how with SharePoint you will obtain the returns.