Tuesday, October 31, 2023

3 Examples of How SharePoint is Used in Pittsburgh, PA

The following are three examples of how SharePoint is used in Pittsburgh, PA:

  • The City of Pittsburgh uses SharePoint to power its websites and manage its internal operations.
  • The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh uses SharePoint to manage its digital collections and provide online services to its users.
  • The University of Pittsburgh uses SharePoint to support academic and research programs.

6 Examples of How SharePoint Lists Can Be Used

The following are six  examples of how SharePoint lists can be used:

  • Contact lists - Store contact information for projects, customers, employees, etc. 
  • Customer support lists - Track support tickets and their status.
  • Event lists - Track event information, such as dates, times, and locations.
  • Inventory lists - Track inventory levels, locations, and reorder aspects.
  • Issues lists - Track simple core and key issues for any project or business.
  • Project lists - Track basic project tasks, milestones, and budgets.
  • Task lists - Track basic tasks, deadlines, and progress.

Monday, October 30, 2023

4 Four Main Types of SharePoint Permissions

The following are the four main types of SharePoint permissions:

  • Full Control - Permission allows users to do anything with the SharePoint content, including creating, editing, deleting, and sharing it.
  • Design - Permission allows users to create and edit the SharePoint content, but they cannot delete or share it.
  • Edit - Permission allows users to edit the SharePoint content, but they cannot create, delete, or share it.
  • Read - Permission allows users to view the SharePoint content, but they cannot edit, delete, or share it.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

4 Tips for Using SharePoint Tables Effectively

The following are four tips for using SharePoint tables efficiently.

  • Use descriptive headers for the table columns.
  • Use the appropriate data type for the table column.
  • Use colors and formatting to make the table easy to read and scan.
  • Use rules and logic to automate tasks.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

6 Tips for Using SharePoint Lists Effectively

The following are six tips for using SharePoint list’s effectively:

  • Use descriptive names for the lists and columns.
  • Use the correct data type for each column.
  • Use required and unique columns to ensure that entered data is valid.
  • Use views to filter and sort the list data.
  • Use rules and logic to automate tasks.
  • Share the lists with the appropriate users.

Friday, October 27, 2023

4 Additional Tips & Tricks for Using SharePoint Lists

The following are four additional tips and tricks for using SharePoint lists:

  • Use custom views to create views for different audiences. Example: you could create a view for managers which shows all of the tasks that are assigned to their team members.
  • Use alerts to notify when changes are made to a list. This is a helpful aspect for staying up-to-date on important changes.
  • Use Power Automate to automate tasks related to lists. Example: one could create a flow to automatically send an email when a new item is added to a list.
  • Use the SharePoint mobile app to access and edit lists no matter where you are.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

6 Tips & Tricks for Using SharePoint Lists

The following are six tips and tricks for using SharePoint lists:

  • Choose the right column type. SharePoint lists offer several column types, such as text, number, date, and choice. Choose the column type to ensure that the data is stored and displayed correctly.
  • Use calculated columns to calculate values. Calculated columns allow one to calculate values based on other columns in the list. This is useful for calculating totals, percentages, and averages.
  • Use lookup columns to link data from other lists. Lookup columns allow one to link data from one list to another list. This can be useful in regard to creating relationships between lists, such as a list of tasks and projects.
  • Use views to filter and sort data. Views allow one to filter and sort the data in a list to display only the information that is needed. One can create multiple views for a list to display data in different ways.
  • Use conditional formatting to highlight important data. Conditional formatting allows one to highlight important data in a list, such as overdue tasks or items that warrant attention.
  • Use permissions to control access to the list. Permissions allow one to control who can access and edit a list. One can set permissions at the list level or at the item level.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

5 Additional Tips & Tricks for Using Microsoft Loop

The following are five additional tips and tricks for using Microsoft Loop:

  • Use @mentions to tag people in Loop components. This will notify them when one makes changes to the component.
  • Use hashtags to organize Loop components. This will make it easy to find components.
  • Use Loop links to share Loop components with others. This will allow for the ability to view and edit the components,
  • Use Loop comments to leave feedback and suggestions on Loop components. This will help facilitate collaboration and communication.
  • Use Loop versions to track changes to Loop components over time. This can help for collaborating on projects.

Monday, October 23, 2023

5 Tips & Tricks for Using Microsoft Loop

The following are five tips and tricks for using Microsoft Loop:

  • Use Loop components to organize thoughts and ideas. Loop components are versatile and can be utilized to store a variety of information, such as text, lists, tables, images, and links.
  • Use Loop workspaces to collaborate with others. Loop workspaces allow one to share Loop components with others and collaborate on them in real time.
  • Use Loop templates to get started quickly. Loop offers a variety of templates that one can use to create different types of content, such as to-do lists, meeting notes, and project plans.
  • Use Loop search to find content quickly. Loop search allows one to search for Loop components across all of the workspaces.
  • Use Loop with other Microsoft apps. Loop can be utilized with other Microsoft apps, such as Teams, Outlook, and OneNote.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

4 Additional Tips for Using the Spacer Web Part

The following are 4 additional tips for using the spacer web part in SharePoint Online:

  • Use the Spacer web part in with other web parts, such as the Divider web part, in order to create more complex layouts.
  • Use different colors and borders for the Spacer web part in order to make it stand out or blend in with the rest of the page.
  • Use the Spacer web part in order to create different layouts for different devices. For example, you could use a different layout for mobile devices and desktop devices.
  • Test the Spacer web parts on different devices and browsers to make they look good and function properly.

Friday, October 20, 2023

4 Tips & Tricks for Using the Spacer Web Part

The following are four tips and tricks for using the Spacer web part:

  • Use the Spacer web part to create sections on a page. It can be used to divide the page into different sections, such as a header section, a main content section, and a footer section.
  • Use the Spacer web part to group related web parts together. This can include a list of documents and a link to the document library.
  • Use the Spacer web part to create space around important content. Create space around important content, such as a call to action or a featured news article.
  • Use the Spacer web part to balance the layout of your page. Balance the layout of the page by adding space to areas where there is too much or too little content.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

4 Additional Tips on Using the Highlighted Content Web Part (HCWP) in SharePoint Online.

The following are four tips for using the highlighted content web part (HCWP):

  1. Use images and videos to make the content more visually appealing.
  2. Use clear and concise titles and descriptions for the content.
  3. Use categories and tags to organize the content making it easier for users to find.
  4. Test the HCWP on different devices and browsers to make sure it works.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

6 Tips for Using the Highlighted Content Web Part (HCWP) in SharePoint Online

The following are six tips for using the highlighted content web part (HCWP):

  • Choose the right content source. The HCWP is capable of displaying content from a variety of sources, so choose the source most relevant to the page and audience.
  • Utilize filters to narrow down the results. Filters allow one to display only the content most relevant to the audience.
  • Sort the content in a specific order. It is possible to sort the content in the HCWP in a variety of ways, such as by date, title, or author.
  • Choose a layout which matches the content and the page. The HCWP offers four different layouts: Cards, List, Carousel, and Filmstrip.
  • Use dynamic content. The HCWP allows one to display dynamic content, such as the most recent documents, the most popular news articles, or the most viewed videos.
  • Use the HCWP in conjunction with other web parts. The HCWP can be utilized in conjunction with other web parts to create more complex and engaging content displays.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

4 Tips for Choosing the Right Font for SharePoint Pages

Here are some tips for choosing the right font for SharePoint pages:

  • Utilize a font that is easy to read and scan. Avoid fonts that are too small or too large.
  • Choose a font that matches the overall design of the SharePoint site.
  • Use a consistent font throughout the SharePoint site. This will create a unified look and feel for the site.
  • Use different fonts to create emphasis and hierarchy on the SharePoint pages. For example, use a larger font size for headings or a different font family for important information.

Monday, October 16, 2023

5 Tips for Creating Effective SharePoint Forms

The following are five tips for creating effective SharePoint forms:

  • Keep the forms concise and to the point.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Use form fields that are relevant and necessary.
  • Use validation to ensure that users enter valid data.
  • Test the form thoroughly before publishing it.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

6 Tips for Formatting SharePoint Text

The following are six tips for formatting SharePoint text:

  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Use headings and subheadings to organize the text.
  • Use bulleted and numbered lists to make the text easy to read and scan.
  • Use bold and italics to emphasize that information which is important.
  • Use hyperlinks to link to pages and applicable resources.
  • Use consistent formatting throughout the SharePoint site.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

4 Tips for Writing Effective Page Titles

The following are four tips for writing effective page titles:

  • Be clear and concise. The title should describe the content of the page.
  • Use keywords. The title should include keywords that end users are likely to search for.
  • Don’t utilize all caps or excessive punctuation. The title should be formatted in an easy to read way.
  • Utilize a consistent format for page titles. This helps to identify the pages.

Friday, October 13, 2023

3 Important Reasons for a Title in SharePoint

The following are three important reasons for a title in SharePoint:

  • It helps to identify the page when users have multiple tabs open.
  • It helps search engines to index the page thus making it findable in search results.
  • It provides proper context for the content on the page.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

4 Tips for Using White Space in SharePoint

The following are four tips for using white space effectively in SharePoint:

  • Use white space to break up the content. White space can be utilized to separate different sections of content on a page, such as headings, paragraphs, and images. This can make the content easier to read and scan.
  • Use white space to group related content. White space can be utilized to group related content together. One could use white space to group together a heading, paragraph, and image that are all related to the same topic.
  • Use white space to create a sense of hierarchy. White space can be utilized to create a sense of hierarchy on a page. One could use more white space around important elements, such as headings and calls to action, to make them stand out.
  • Use white space to make the page look more spacious and organized. White space can be utilized to make the page look more spacious and organized.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

5 Tips for Creating SharePoint Websites

The following are five tips for creating SharePoint websites that are both user-friendly and visually appealing:

  • Use a consistent design. Choose a consistent design for the SharePoint site and stick to it. This will help to create a unified look and feel the site.
  • Use white space effectively. White space is important for making the SharePoint site look clean and organized. Use the white space to break up the content and make it easier to read.
  • Use typography effectively. Select fonts that are easy to read and that match the overall design of the site. Avoid using too many different fonts, as this can make the site appear cluttered.
  • Use color effectively. Color can be used to add visual interest to the SharePoint site. Be careful not to overuse color, as this can make the site look overwhelming.
  • Use images and videos sparingly. Images and videos can be a great way to make the SharePoint site more visually appealing and engaging. Do not overuse images and videos, as this can slow down the site and make it difficult to load.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

7 Tips for Creating the Best SharePoint Websites

The following are seven tips for creating the best SharePoint websites:

  • Plan your site structure. Before creating the site, take some time to plan out the site structure. This will help to organize the content in a logical way and make it easy for users to find what they need.
  • Use the modern experience. The modern SharePoint experience is more user-friendly and responsive than the classic experience. Additionally, it offers a wider range of features and customization options.
  • Use branding elements. Utilize the company's branding elements, such as logo, colors, and fonts, throughout the SharePoint site. This will lend itself to a cohesive and professional experience for users.
  • Use high-quality images and videos. Images and videos help to make the SharePoint site visually appealing and engaging. Use high-quality images and videos, and optimize them for the web.
  • Use web parts and components. Web parts and components are reusable building blocks that can be used to create SharePoint pages. There are many web parts and components to choose to best meet ones needs.
  • Make the site mobile-friendly. It is important to make sure that the SharePoint site is mobile-friendly. One can use the SharePoint mobile app to preview the site and make sure that it looks good and functions well on mobile devices.
  • Test the site thoroughly. Before you publish a SharePoint site, be sure to test it thoroughly to make sure that it works as expected. You should test the site on different devices and browsers to make sure that it is accessible to all users.

Monday, October 9, 2023

3 Tips for Getting the Most out of SharePoint Copilot

The following are three tips for getting the most out of SharePoint copilot:

  • Use Copilot to automate repetitive tasks. Copilot can be utilized to create and update SharePoint content quickly and easily. This can save time and effort, especially if one has a lot of repetitive tasks to complete.
  • Use Copilot to collaborate with others. Copilot can be utilized to share ideas and collaborate on the creation of SharePoint content. This can be especially helpful when one is working on large or complex projects.
  • Use Copilot to learn more about SharePoint. Copilot can be utilized to learn more about SharePoint features and functionality. For example, one can ask Copilot to explain how to create a specific type of SharePoint site or page.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

4 Key Best Practices for Using SharePoint Copilot

The following are four best practices for using copilot on SharePoint:

1) Prepare the data and permissions

  • Make sure that the SharePoint content is well-organized and that users have the appropriate permissions to the data.
  • Review content governance policies and make sure that they are aligned with the Copilot strategy.
  • Use just-enough access (JEA) to ensure users only have access to the content they need.
2) Use natural language descriptions
  • When describing a site or page to Copilot, utilize natural language that is clear and concise.
  • Be specific about Copilot should create, and provide as much context as possible.
  • Utilize keywords and phrases that are relevant to the content.
3) Review and edit Copilot's creations
  • Once Copilot creates a site or page, be sure to review it and make any needed edits.
  • Copilot still under development, so check its work for accuracy and completeness.
  • You may need to add content or formatting to the site or page.
4) Use Copilot in conjunction with other tools
  • Copilot is powerful, but it is not a replacement for other SharePoint tools.
  • You may need to utilize SharePoint Designer to create complex layouts or custom web parts.
  • You can use Copilot to create templates for sites and pages, to save time.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

5 Key SharePoint Modules

The following are five key SharePoint modules:

Document management - Provides tools for managing documents, such as document libraries, versioning, and retention.

Collaboration - Provides tools for collaboration, such as lists, calendars, and team sites.

Communication - Provides tools for communication, such as news articles, blog posts, and wikis.

Workflow automation - Is a workflow engine that can be utilized to automate tasks and processes.

Knowledge management - Provides tools for creatinga and managing a knowledge base where employees can access information about policies, procedures, and other topics.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

5 Tips for Creating SharePoint Pages

The following are five tips for creating SharePoint pages:

1) Use descriptive titles and headings so as to make it easy for users to find the information they need.

2) Use images and videos to break up text and make the pages more visually appealing.

3) Use web parts to add functionality and content to one’s pages.

4) Test the pages before being published to make sure that they are working properly.

5) Promote the pages of the SharePoint site users so that they know they exist.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

11 Types of SharePoint Pages

The following are eleven types of SharePoint pages:

Homepage - The main landing page for a SharePoint site. It is utilized to provide users with an overview of the site content and to provide links to important content.

News page - Used to publish news and announcements to SharePoint site users.

Team page - Used to provide information about a team, be its members, goals, projects and documents.

Document library page - Used to display a list of documents in a document library.

List page - Used to display a list of items, be it tasks, events, or contacts.

Calendar page - Used to display a calendar of events.

Survey page - Used to create and publish surveys to your SharePoint site users.

Wiki page - Used  to create and share collaborative content with SharePoint site users.

Blog page - Used to create and publish blog posts to SharePoint site users.

Web part page - Used to add web parts to a page.

Custom page -  Used to create a custom page with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.